CANDO Plan Modification, approved October 20, 2018
CANDO NRP Plan Modification
To contract NRP funds for projected expenses for 2019 and 2020
The Central Area Neighborhood Development Organization (CANDO) is proposing an NRP Phase II Plan Modification to reallocate funds between existing plan strategies.
What Is An NRP Plan Modification?
An NRP Plan Modification is a proposal to contract funds that have been allocated to the neighborhood by the City of Minneapolis for our NRP Plan Strategies.
Approving this Plan Mod will allow CANDO to use, but does not commit us to use all the money, by putting it into the contracts that we use to request reimbursements from the City.
We are proposing: 1) to move funds from inactive strategies to strategies CANDO has prioritized for the next few years and 2) to change the language that describes 2 strategies to better match the work we are planning to do.
Why we are proposing this Plan Modification?
Since before the establishment of CANDO, the NRP Plan that establishes what we use these city funds for has added and changed many strategies. Not all the funds dedicated to some strategies were used and other strategies have been more active and require additional funding. With this Plan Mod we will be ‘cleaning up’ a few small amount of funds in the unused strategies and moving a larger amount of funds from old repaid housing loans to fund more active and more flexible strategies.
Process for Approval:
The proposed changes to funding allocations and NRP strategy language require a majority vote of approval by the board of directors.
Because the proposal “Allocates more than $25,000 (or up to 25% of the total NRP plan allocation) between existing plan strategies,” it also requires;
‘Broad Notice’ to the community at least 21 days before the community (annual) meeting. The broad notice will be satisfied with announcements in our electronic media and in our October printed newsletter.
‘Broad-Based Support’ from Central Residents. A majority vote of the eligible residents present at CANDO’s annual meeting (October 20th) is required to approve the proposal.
Strategies we want to contract more money into
Strategies we want to move money out of
Language Modification: The modification will change the description of the Facade Grant Program Strategy in out NRP Plan to allow for interior improvements (façade and commercial grant program"). This allows for the funds in the Facade Grant Program contract to be used for either Facade grants or Commercial Matching grants.
Language Modification: The modification will change the description of Arts Projects for Children and Youth strategy in our NRP Plan from “arts projects to involve Central children and youth.” to “arts projects to involve Central residents.” This will allow for funds to be used more broadly for arts projects for residents of all ages.